Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Help, I'm in over my head

I think I could be in trouble here. Not sure what I'm doing, what I need to do and how to sort things out.

Here's hoping that I gain some skills so I can start treading water quickly or else I may be going down to acquaint myself with Davy Jones and his locker.

Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle


Naomi H said...

You are copying of me - you cheat - I chose that same template - you had lots to chose from!!!!!

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Don't worry, you can't break anything. I can remember teaching staff how to use the Internet back in 1996, assuring them they could delete the Net and if all went wrong just turn the computer off!! We have learnt sooo much since then, Web 2.0 tools will be no trouble at all. Good luck on your Learning 2.0 journey


Polyxena said...

Long John Silver
If you need any help just give me a yell! Hecuba and Polyxena to the rescue!